Sunday, 8 April 2012

Well my blog is finally up thanks to Erika and Misty at "Honey Bunch Blog Design." This  is my first post and I am a bit apprehensive about whether anyone will even want to read what I have to say.  I started following a few blogs about 8 months ago. I loved the sharing of ideas and wanted to join.

I have been teaching at the early years level for over 25 years. Several years ago I went back to take my masters. One of the courses I took provided me with my "Microsft Teacher's Certification." That was the beginning of my path towards using technology in the classroom.

I applied for a grant which would provide me with a Smartboard, if I was successful. I made a huge unit on Oviporous Animals and submitted this along with my application. I was awarded a Smart board about 4 years ago, which lead to me creating numerous lessons for my grade two class.  I became consumed by the excitement I felt when my notebook lessons were so successful with my students.  Mazano(2009) research found students taught an interactive lesson on the Smart board as compared to those who were not had a 16%  point gain in achievement. Marzano Research -youtube video

I feel it is my next step to make activities for students practice which will reinforce and support my interactive lessons.  Over the next few weeks I will be working on activities and will be posting them here and on TPT as freebies.  It is my hope that peers might provide both support and suggestions. Until the next time.

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1 comment:

  1. Carol,
    It looks to me like you are typing in the field for the post title. Your post should be typed in the field with your signature.
